How is DNS Resolved for my Network?

Your client devices are always assigned a DNS server IP when they connect to the cellular network.

Which DNS server and how it behaves depends on the type of network you have:

  DNS Server
VPN Network Connector
Secure Internet IoT Connect DNS Resolver
Hybrid (VPN and Secure Internet) IoT Connect DNS Resolver or Network Connector (can be configured as part of Network Settings)

Default is IoT Connect DNS Resolver

Network Connector: when using the Network Connector, the DNS requests from your devices are forwarded to your Network Connector that acts as a DNS proxy for remote clients.

Your Network Connector will use the DNS server configured on the host/server where it is installed to resolve DNS requests from the client devices.

Network Connector will allow your devices to resolve any DNS lookup both for private or for public domain names (assuming the Network Connector host can resolve them).

IoT Connect DNS Resolver: the service provides a secure dedicated internet resolver for the devices inside your network that can resolve all public DNS lookups. IoT Connect DNS Resolver is highly available and secure, accessible only inside the network and allowing only responses from external authoritative DNS servers fully validated using DNSSEC.

IoT Connect DNS Resolver will allow your devices to resolve any DNS lookup for public domain names but not for private DNS queries. Therefore, if you use your own private DNS and need your devices to resolve private DNS queries you will have to configure the Network Connector.