How do I Connect a Device to the Network?

You can connect a device to the network following these steps:

  1. From the devices list, go to the device details of the specific SIM you will use in your device.
  2. Activate your device if not already active from the status drop-down at the top of this page.
  3. Insert the SIM in the device.
  4. Set up the APN on the device referencing your device documentation on how to do this.
    You will find the APN configuration details (APN, user and password) for the SIM in the device details page.
  5. Connect the device to the cellular network.
  6. Verify that the device is connected by checking the Connected status in the device details page or in the devices list for each device.
    Note: If you hover over the Connected icon you can refresh the status.
  7. Once connected, if your device supports it and you can access the device, ping to confirm that the device is properly set up.
  8. As an additional test, with your Network Connector already installed, ping the IP address of the device (you will find the device IP address in the devices details page and in the devices list) from the host of your Network Connector.

Congratulations you are done!

If you were not able to complete the steps please contact us for support.