Can I Install my Network Connector in AWS?

To deploy your Network Connector in your AWS account you need:


  • Your own VPC
  • Internet GW. The network connector will establish an outbound TLS connection where outbound traffic on ports 80 and 443 must be allowed
  • Host instance with the appropriate Windows OS. We recommend you:
  • We recommend you also to set up a Security Group restricting inbound access from source IP of your office or the environment from where you’ll be managing your VPC via e.g. Remote Desktop.

Once your environment is ready you will need to:

  1. Install the Network Connector
    1. Access to your Windows host through RDP
    2. Download the Network Connector Installer by copying the file through Remote Desktop or if you open your IoT Connect account from a browser in your Windows instance and download it form your account
    3. Run the installer and follow the steps (it will ask you for the activation code).
  2. Setup the routing table with an entry for the subnet of your SIMs, which is set to the Network Interface of the Network Connector. This can be completed with the following CLI command:
    aws ec2 create-route –route-table-id [route id] –destination-cidr-block [IP range of your SIMs] –gateway-id [id of the network interface created by the Network Connector].
    More info here:
  3. Disable Source and Destination checking which can be completed with the following CLI command:
    aws ec2 modify-instance-attribute –instance-id [id of your instance] –source-dest-check “{\”Value\”: false}.
    More info here: